
Certified Project Management Consulting

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Simple Strategic Solutions

PMI Certified Project Management

S3 provides options ranging from completely outsourcing the Project Management Office to select individual projects. We have experience in many industries with extensive experience in the financial industry. S3 specializes in Information Technology and Business Projects. We have a proven track record in large scale billion dollar projects varying from technology infrastructure to process improvement.


successful projects


years of experience


happy clients

Your business need drives the solution.

What my clients say about me and my work

Maryann is one of those “go to” people in an organization with important initiatives due to her integrity, intelligence and work ethic.

Seth WiseCEO

Diligent. Dedicated. Team Player. Detail-Oriented.

Tracy AntolMarketing Strategist

“Get IT done right!” Maryann is the quintessential Information Technology leader who ensures her customers that they can depend on her to have her team implement technology in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

Doug HumbertPMP, Broward County

PMP Certified by the Project Management Institute

PMO Development and Deployment

A unique credential of ours is the extensive experience in the start-up of a PMO. One dedicated PMP (certified Project Management Professional) will be assigned to your project.

Training – Training options range from project planning to software utilization. On-site training with real project data is utilized for superior results.

Consulting – Dependent on the need, S3 PMO will assign a project manager with the proper skill set. The engagement can be for all or part of the project life cycle.

Project Definition
Project Approval
Team Formation
Project Implementation
Project Closure

Many clients utilize project management to augment existing resources. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Depending on the need, we will utilize either the waterfall or agile model.

We will adapt to create a solution that meets the business needs.

Our goal is client satisfaction!

S3 will put the pieces together and solve the puzzle.

Need experienced Project Management? Want to get in touch? Use the form below!

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